Are you struggling with stubborn fat beneath your chin? This common issue, often called a double chin, can affect both men and women, impacting your overall facial aesthetic and confidence. We offer the FDA-approved Kybella, which is injected into the skin to reduce submental fat. The treatment is specifically designed to reduce moderate to severe fat below the chin. The active ingredient in Kybella helps your body break down the fat, and it is then absorbed.
Kybella is a great option if you’re bothered by submental fullness and want to improve your facial profile. Whether the cause is genetics, weight gain, or aging, Kybella can help eliminate a double chin without surgery or extensive downtime. The Kybella treatment involves a series of small injections under the chin. Each treatment session is typically completed within 15 to 20 minutes in our Knoxville, Tennessee office. Multiple sessions may be needed to achieve the desired results, each spaced at least one month apart.
Adults frustrated with moderate to severe submental fat, or under chin fat, and looking for a non-surgical treatment can benefit from Kybella. It’s effective for people who desire a more streamlined, youthful chin profile. One of the advantages of Kybella is that once your desired results are achieved, further treatment is typically not needed.
Kybella offers a safe and effective solution for reducing submental fullness and enhancing your facial profile. If you want to get rid of your double chin, contact us at Jessica Ellam Aesthetics today to learn more about how Kybella can help you achieve your best look.